Our Mission

(This is a work in progress)

A professional group of published authors, but including others in the field of writing, such as agent or publisher, and designated honorary members…

A creative writing group devoted to writing fiction novels, but including nonfiction writers…

A congenial group, unselfishly committed to one another’s development and success as professional writers…

A local group, membership by invitation only…

Principal activities

  1. Meeting regularly to read what they have written, to read aloud what other members have written, to critique works being read, to celebrate success…
  2. Share professional expertise and new-found knowledge in the field…
  3. Encourage and challenge fellow members to grow in skill and to produce new work…
  4. Administer the official Allied Authors and Milwaukee Fictioneers website, building the group’s archives and legacy record…

Principal goal

Help one another to professionally and successfully and expeditiously publish…