Christopher Whitmore

Christopher Whitmore was born in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin in the waning years of the swinging ’60s. He has been a writer since he first took crayon in hand and posted his manifesto on the family refrigerator — a rambling screed about the inherent evils of broccoli.

His formative years were dominated by comic books, sci-fi, and fantasy. Such stories have deeply influenced his worldview, which is more Trekkian-optimistic than Blade Runner-dystopian. He values Superman’s ability to inspire hope over Batman’s vengeance-driven nature, and he believes that such escapist fare can teach us lessons in ways traditional fiction cannot.

Notoriously inept from a social standpoint, he has only recently begun allowing other people to read his work. His first novel, Saviour, was published in 2017, followed by the sequel, Children of the Saviour, in 2019 and Charming in 2021.