Alexia Lamont

Alexia has worked in various fields, including customer service, daycare, waitressing, sales, training operations, training delivery, training development, project management, and now problem management and test script development. While work keeps her very busy, she still finds time to work on her various hobbies or pick up new ones, such as sewing, embroidery, drawing, painting, canning, calligraphy and gaming. Writing, however, is a passion, not a passing fancy.

She and her husband, who shares her love of picking up new hobbies, live with three cats (each one distinctly unique in personality) in a nice ranch house in the greater Milwaukee area.

Her poem, “I Am Wisconsin,” was published in 1997, when she was a senior in high school. In the realm of technical writing, she has composed training guides for her current employer on such systems as Office 2010 and 2011. Her next goal is to have her fiction published.

Alexia’s blog is called Acronomicon—because acronyms are evil, and sometimes there are too many of them.