Bill Binder

Photo of Bill Binder sitting on a cliff,, typing on a laptopSome of Bill Binder’s past experiences include rogue, world traveler, writer, body guard, river boat gambler, mountain man, cynic, explorer, psychic, masseuse, crack shot, Zen master, poet, lawyer, druid, entertainer, problem solver, occasional mountain climber, former construction worker, lawman, amateur anthropologist, teller of tall tales, double agent (retired), teacher, actor, animal trainer, amateur therapist and all around semi-nice guy.

Other various experiences include wars fought, revolutions started, governments run, revenge wreaked, bars emptied, football games fixed, virgins converted, relationships repaired, bridges destroyed, tigers tamed, mountains crossed, orgies organized, dragons slain, parties crashed, lessons taught (and learned), procrastination promulgated and dinosaurs neutered.

His current hobbies are writing, hiking, racquetball, travel, law, deep philosophical discussions often on unimportant issues, humor, psychology, more law, chaos theory, learning poker (no, really…honest), psychic phenomena, the history of magic/magick, WWII in the Pacific, the not-so Civil War, the reign of Queen Victoria and finding interesting things to do.

Occasionally he is a serious lawyer in family, juvenile and criminal matters.

He began writing in 2006, stylistically, and like a kid in a candy store, he is gorging and really wants to do and try it all — with a slightly quirky sense of humor.